
Principle 2: Understand What Changes

This page has the SVI standard for applying this principle and also recommended guidance documents that can help you meet the standard.

Standard on applying Principle 2

Articulate how change is created and evaluate this through evidence gathered, recognising positive and negative changes as well as those that are intended and unintended.

Part 1:

This is a standard that accompanies “A Guide to Social Return on Investment” (2012)1 . A Guide to Social Return on Investment (from here on referred to as “the Guide”) outlines the Seven Principles of Social Value and the six stages of an SROI analysis. Since the publication of the guide in 2012 standards have been subsequently written to expand upon each of the Principles.

Within the context of all of the Principles of Social Value, “understand what changes” is pivotal. It is so closely intertwined with many of the other principles, it is essential that this principle is applied well. Understanding what changes is a fundamental building block for any attempt to measure (and account) for social change. The Principle ‘Understand what changes’ has been broken into three parts.

This document addresses the first part only and is titled: ‘Creating well defined outcomes’.


原則 2:了解發生了什麼變化

此頁麵包含應用此原則的 SVI 標準以及可幫助您達到標準的推薦指導文件。


應用原則 2 的標準






這是伴隨“社會投資回報指南”(2012 年)1 的標準。 社會投資回報指南(以下簡稱“指南”)概述了社會價值七項原則和 SROI 分析的六個階段。 自 2012 年指南發布以來,隨後編寫了標準以擴展每項原則。


在所有社會價值原則的背景下,“了解發生了什麼變化”是關鍵。 它與許多其他原則密切相關,因此必須很好地應用該原則。 了解哪些變化是衡量(和說明)社會變化的任何嘗試的基本組成部分。 “了解變化”原則分為三個部分。

